Monday, March 5, 2012

Little Siters

What can he say to his little sister? The thing that he can say to his little sister that he was sorry for what ever that those people said in school about rapping her or make fun of her. The only way that he can make his sister not be sad is to tell those people that what if they had their own sisters had been rapped then they would feel worse. This man does know what's it like for their sisters to be rapped by terrible people, but they need to know that this will not happen to another person again.

How would you feel if you were his little sister? I would feel very upset if anyone tries to say anything about my little sister then they will suffer the most bad consequences in their life. The reason why people shouldn't say anything about my little sister is because none can't say what they haft say.  There will be nothing that anyone should say anybody's little sister, but if they do then some is going to be in so much trouble when they are saying about their lives.

What could he have done that might have made his friends also reconsider their actions? The thing that I have could have done for my friends is that they should not be reconsider as good friends because it's not right for them to say anything for what they say about little sisters. There will not be any kind of trouble for anybody for what they might do to others family remembers. I know that some people can't have the will to be a respected friend to any other person so if they do then don't be friends with at all.


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