Thursday, May 31, 2012


How much do you think we are “attached” to our technology gadgets ?  I think that we have a lot of things that we are attached to any technology and the reason because of that is some people have the same things that they do with technology and you know that there are some things that everybody can do with the technology that people use every time.

Friday, May 25, 2012


I think that this future of computing is really great because their had been some things about the gestures of computer's like for one some people want to  have the future of having brand new

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Putting Mobile In Context

I think that some mobile phones are taking more precedence over some of the basic necessities with power and water because wen the more power that the mobile phones take from other places then it's gonna be a problem. The reason why that some people are taking the basic necessities is because everybody wants to have more power in their mobile phones. I know that more people want to take more of the electricity so that their mobile phones can reproduce more average, people also take some water for drinking and if there is no water then they will be dying over their thirst.

When I see some people having the their problems without water is that some of them need to have the basic necessities for all of their mobile phones. I would you believe that it takes precedence over some of the more basic necessities such as power and water. The reason why I believe that it takes precedence over some basic necessities is because the people want to have power in their homes and have water to drink to survive.

There are some things that not happening to every country in the world and that would be more human beings and the reason because of the humans is that their dying over thirst and they all want to everything that they need to survive. I would see people who uses their mobile phones to use all of the energy for any reason that they need to survive or when their having some kind of basic things that they need to have a life.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Your Hackers

Do you think that this is a harmless prank to mess with another persons account ? I think it's is not a harmless prank to mess with someones account and the reason because of that is when someone is messing with people's account then that would cause the persons account worse for any kind of person who want to mess with accounts.

What would you do if you find a computer was left on and accounts were not logged out ? If I find a computer that wasn't logged out and it had people's accounts then I would not mess with them because if somebody is looking to see what happened to their accounts then they will have serious problems with someone who's inside their accounts.
What would you want someone to do if you left your computer on and accounts open ? I would not have people going into my accounts because I would be very upset if someone is inside my own account and I never leave my computer on with my accounts out on the scene so to that if someone enters into my accounts and do something inside it then those people will have some serious problems and they will be charged for messing with someone else accounts.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Ear Wax

What do you think are the advantages of having custom molded ear-buds ? I think that the advantages of having custom ear-buds is really great and the reason because of that is when some people have no new ear phones to hear music or play video games then they should buy this new ear-bude.

 What are the problems people have with ear-buds that this will solve ? The problems that people have with the ear-buds is that they won't fit the ears well, but their are for putting on top of the head not they do have two other ear sets to put on your ear for a better hearing.

Is this a good idea or just a gimmick ?I think that this device is a good idea for people who don't have any new ear phones or sets when their playing video games or hearing music for what they always hear too.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Has anyone ever taken credit for something you did ? There had been nobody to to take credit for something that I did and the reason because of that is when someone is doing a lot of credit's for any kind of work that they do in school or even at a job.

If yes, how did you feel ? If I has someone take all the credit's then I would feel maybe a bit lucky because when someone is taking a lot of credit's then it's just kind of good for someone who wants to have more credit's in whatever they do in their work.

If not, how would you feel if someone took credit for something that you did or created ? If someone did take all of the credit's that I had been getting for all of my work that I always been doing in school or at a job that I been working in then it's just crazy.

What did or would you do about it ? I would do something that I can have the chance to take back all of the credit's that I had been getting in all my hard work that I had been doing in school or when I have project to do in class.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Magnetic Wrist

Do you think this is crazy ? I think that this would crazy because how do you put little tiny metal pin magnet. The reason why this is really crazy is that when somebody want to put any type of electronic.

How far would you go for technology ? I would not go that far just for a peace of technology and the reason because of that is when somebody is into technology and other types of electronics. When someone is really liking a lot of technology then they really don't want to take a brake of technology for just once.

What would you do that other people might think is crazy ? I would do something to make this type of craziness put to end to the crazy idea of putting a peace of technology on their wrist that can make them look cool. When I see someone with a peace of technology on their skin then it's just crazy for them to put metal on themselves.