Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Help Keep Flame Wars under Control

When do you think flaming is OK ? If I say it's okay for being flaming then I think it wont be a problem because when I got some kind of emotion that I put every time when I'm being in a bad additude with someone or something all the time.

In what type of situations should flaming be allowed or do you think Netiquette should forbid flaming ? The type of situation that I should be flaming about is that when I can't finish my Netiquette project or any other things that are on the Netiquette, but my emotions on the problems that I have on the Netiquette projects is that when I have some kind of theme that I need to put for any copmputer class that not on Netiquette just some other types of work, but I'll be doing good on it so my emotion is really good.  


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